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Matthew (Matt) Capriotti, PhD is a clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor of Psychology at San Jose State University. Matt has spent the last decade researching behavioral treatments for tic disorders and providing behavioral interventions to over 100 youth and adults with tics. In his free time, Matt enjoys hiking, cycling, and going to concerts. Matt is thrilled to be co-organizing Treating Tourette Together and looks forward to amplifying the voice of the Tourette community in future research. You can read more about Matt's research here. 


Diana Shineman, PhD is the Vice President of Research and Medical Programs at the Tourette Association of America (TAA) and has over 10 years’ experience in program management and mission delivery in the non-profit sector. She currently oversees the Research and Medical Programs Department at TAA, which endeavors to make life better for all people affected by Tourette and Tic Disorders.


Shannon Bennett, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College and an Assistant Attending Psychologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital. She is the Director of the Tourette Association of America Center of Excellence at Weill Cornell, and is the Site Clinical Director of the New York Presbyterian Youth Anxiety Center at Weill Cornell. Dr. Bennett has overseen several research studies in the areas of tic disorders, anxiety disorders, and treatment development, and is passionate about working with children, adolescents, young adults and their families to promote health and wellness. 


Carol Mathews, M.D. is the Brooke Professor and the Vice Chair for Strategic Development in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Florida. Dr. Mathews is the Director of the Center for OCD, Anxiety, and Related Disorders at UF. Her research and clinical interests center around identifying the causes and neural underpinnings of tic disorders, as well as obsessive compulsive and related disorders. She is actively engaged in studying the genetic causes of TS, OCD, and their comorbidities, as well as examining how individuals with these disorders process information using standard neuropsychological assessments, electrophysiological methods such as EEG, and neuroimaging.


Carolyn Hunt, MPA has worked in community collaborative research for more than 20 years, bringing scientists together with patients, parents, providers, and others who care about positively impacting the life and health of our communities through research. Currently she serves as Community Engagement Director for PRIDEnet, facilitating the input of LGBTQ community advisors, partners, and research participants into how research is conducted and disseminated. Carolyn is honored to support the mission of Treating Tourette Together by serving as a facilitator.


Sara Hamilton is a film producer, marketing strategist and business consultant with more than 30 years of experience. She has held principal roles in innovative, industry-leading firms and organizations around the country — from start-ups and boutiques to Fortune 500 companies and non-profits. Sara is also a dedicated volunteer advocate and devoted parent of an incredible teenage daughter with Tourette Syndrome. As an accomplished speaker, workshop facilitator, and executive member of the Tourette Association of America’s Minnesota Chapter, Sara has been raising awareness for Tourette and other neurological conditions throughout the state and around the country through meetings, presentations and media outreach.

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